
We’re hoping to spread some holiday cheer. Maybe this will help…
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Maybe one of our sessions left you curious. Perhaps you caught a glimpse of us in the expo’s Mobile Showcase, or a Work.com demo. Or, there’s a chance you just happened to be strolling around Moscone North. Regardless, we’re thankful for whatever it was that inspired you to stop by LevelEleven’s Dreamforce booth. Because we felt...
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After years of managing sales teams, LevelEleven CEO Bob Marsh discovered that it’s all about the carrots — at least when it comes to sales team motivation. Check out this short video to find out what exactly he learned and how it led to the creation of LevelEleven. Or, you can read the transcript: Bob:...
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We’ve gotten great feedback on the release of our new eBook, Getting Started with Salesforce: What Not to Do. So we turned it into a webinar. And the 15-minute video recap is now available. Watch it to see LevelEleven CEO Bob Marsh share important points from the eBook — which was written based on interviews...
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In the most recent “Sales Leader Video” of SalesLoft’s Sales Influencer Series, LevelEleven CEO Bob Marsh offers insight on salespeople, sales competitions and CRMs. Here’s a sneak peek at some of that insight, with Bob’s response to question number one: How important is a sales leaderboard? You know, salespeople are just these unbelievably competitive people. It’s...
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There’s all this talk about gamification in the workplace, but is it actually worth the investment? That’s the question many sales leaders are asking. In the 15-minute video recap of the “Gamification in the Workplace” webinar, LevelEleven CEO Bob Marsh discusses the answer. He addresses things like: Common perceptions of gamification and how it actually relates...
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