
January 2019
Is your organization more focused on productivity or engagement? If you’re like many companies, you are focused on the bottom line, meeting deadlines, and getting work done, and that’s perfectly fine! Productivity is an important measure in any organization and shouldn’t be ignored. What tends to be forgotten is the importance of employee engagement to...
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Employee recognition has been a hot topic, creating a buzz in all industries. A report released by the human resources association WorldatWork stated that in 2017, 85% of companies surveyed have employee recognition programs in place. But are all recognition programs created equal? Let’s explore the differences between public and private recognition, why you should...
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Are you micromanaging your team? Although you may feel like you’re doing what’s best for everyone by monitoring all aspects of your department, that’s far from the truth. Micromanaging can lead to low employee engagement, higher stress levels, increased employee turnover, and a sense of dread in the office. So how do you tell if...
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The end of the year is a particularly challenging time for salespeople for many reasons. Not only are they rushing to close the last deals before year end, but they are also dealing with the busy holiday season. Then there’s the possibility their prospects will be on vacation. A deal may be close to closing...
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