
Contest Ideas
I need to get something off my chest: Doesn’t it seem like the sales men and women get to have all the fun? I mean, they are constantly involved in sales contests, winning prizes and being recognized. I’m tired of hearing a bell or a gong go off every time something happens in sales. Okay,...
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Having an opportunity to reflect on the past fiscal year within our business has been both refreshing and exciting, and many things crossed my mind. One of those included my conversations with clients around focuses within their sales organizations. An item that continued to come up in those discussions, besides “ I need my team...
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Sales competitions are designed to motivate and reward people for performing positive behaviors, but they should be used for more than that. They should be used for coaching, too. This month’s sales contest idea will allow you to do that. Build out the contest around prospecting calls and booking demos, and run it for a...
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Ever run sales contests and notice that the same reps are consistently getting it done while others are consistently lagging behind? It’s no surprise that your best performers are your most competitive and will likely score high in any contest you run. One way to keep things interesting is to create an environment like this:...
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Looking for a new work contest idea? This month, we say you heat up your customer service, by creating a competition around the speed of answering a call and the amount of closed cases completed in one week. As incentive for contest participants, you can offer something many regions would appreciate this time of year: A...
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What scares your team the most about sales? Is it cold calling? Being told “NO,” or having people hang up in the middle of the conversation call after call can be discouraging. It can push sales reps to the point where they’re scared to make those calls. However, if they have the right mindset, cold...
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