
Contest Ideas
It’s been proven time and again throughout the eons of human existence that Friday, without equal, is the least productive day of the workweek. Or, as Ron Burgundy might say: “It’s Science.” By the time you come across this post today, chances are your sales team’s productivity is firmly planted somewhere between here: and here:...
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Sales contests around deals closed are commonplace. Sales contests around onboarding sales reps? Not so much. But Cardinal Health proved that the latter is just as valuable of an option. The Cardinal team added a little competition to the onboarding process and saw it create greater internal collaboration, new sales opportunities and increased visibility into sales data. We...
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Sales reps hate to cut bait on a deal. It’s like an admission of defeat, and for the A-type personalities that make up most salespeople that is basically impossible. So, it’s no surprise that sales pipelines often get clogged up with hopeless opportunities that simply need to go away. Below is a sales contest idea...
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How’s your CRM data? Missing any key metrics that would give you better insight into your business? We’re guessing that unfortunately the answer is yes. Whether your main data gap lies in blank industries, old close dates or some entirely different field, check out this sales contest idea to fix it. Getting Started: First, choose...
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We know you’re busy. Really, really busy. And you have all sorts of things to worry about. We don’t want sales contest ideas to be one of those things. That’s why we wrote our latest eBook: “10 Sales Contest Ideas That Work.”  Check it out to get 10 full sales contest plans, which outline everything...
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The job of the sales leader is a tough one. Most in this role got promoted by being a great sales person. However, at the leadership level, there is so much more than selling involved…that’s just the start of it! The responsibilities seem endless, as sales leaders work toward goals like: making sure the team...
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