It’s been proven time and again throughout the eons of human existence that Friday, without equal, is the least productive day of the workweek. Or, as Ron Burgundy might say: “It’s Science.”
By the time you come across this post today, chances are your sales team’s productivity is firmly planted somewhere between here:
and here:
And just about nothing short of a miracle will change that. Heck, you might have even packed it in yourself by this point! Not that there’s anything wrong with that, per se. If Fridays felt anything like Mondays we’d all be tragic, miserable people.
However, the reality is that when the sales quarter is speeding to a close and quotas are needing to be reached (or exceeded), finding a little extra productivity along the way can make the difference between finding yourself in good graces, or in the dog house.
At LevelEleven, Friday means combining two of our favorite things: beer and sales. Beer because it’s delicious and Detroit has great breweries, and sales because we’re obsessed with helping any sales team improve (even if they’re not leveraging our sales motivation app within Salesforce). It was from the marriage of these two great things that an idea was born:
For the less literary among us, Sir John Falstaff is one of Shakespeare’s most famous and recognizable comedic characters, about whom many an academic paper is written. That’s all fine, but for our purposes, he’s a guy that REALLY enjoys himself some ale. Here’s how you can motivate your team on his behalf:

So, you’re thinking, how does Shakespeare have anything to do with effective sales motivation tactics? Well, if you or your team enjoy having a cold beer (in moderation, of course) from time to time, here’s a contest concept you can adopt as your own, as a means to have some fun while squeezing some much-needed extra value out of unfruitful Fridays:
1) Choose a Behavior to Incentivize
Remember: There are many important behaviors and practices that contribute to making a successful sale that may be less heralded than actually closing the deal. You can easily encourage important sales behaviors that might otherwise fall through the cracks by providing the right focus and incentives.
For example, consider giving one point for one behavior, like:
- Completing training modules
- Developing resources
- Improving team communication
If something like this doesn’t strike your fancy, there’s nothing wrong with turning to the old standbys like closing more sales or prospecting behaviors. It’s entirely up to you and your priorities.
2) Establish the Contest Time Frame
It would be best to run your “Falstaff Fridays” contest over the course of a month. That way there’s enough time to account for changing priorities or events that might come up, while keeping it short enough that you and your team don’t forget or lose interest.
And during that month, remember to provide updates on progress and contest reminders.
3) Scoring
Easy. The team member that accumulates the most points wins THE PRIZE.
In the spirit of Mr. Falstaff himself, we suggest:
- Picking a favorite local microbrewery (or a few)
- Bringing along a designated driver (don’t be stupid!)
- Giving your winning sales rep a Friday off
- Taking them out for the afternoon to taste the finest regional beer delicacies your town has to offer
- Lastly (before getting them home safely), taking a picture of you and your winning sales rep holding your delicious beers (see example below) and sending to the team back at the office as a friendly reminder for the next contest

There you have it, Falstaff Fridays. That’s what we in the biz call a win-win. Your sales team will be motivated to perform, and as a result, you’ll get the performance you really need, to help crush those demanding sales goals (and not to mention, a leisurely Friday afternoon at the Ale House to celebrate).
Whether or not you decide to give this sales contest a go, the point here is to show that there are many creative and effective ways to incentivize important sales behaviors. Hit us up with questions or contest ideas that work for you, and definitely download our eBook “10 Sales Contest Ideas That Work” for more great ideas to get the most out of your sales team.