
Designing Sales Contests
We’re less than one week into March Madness. How’s sales productivity in your environment? If you’re having challenges in keeping the team focused on business, or if you want to amp up sales performance in general, build a sales tournament with a March Madness theme. Then you can take some of that energy your team...
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The number of blogs, articles, and studies on the benefits of contests to motivate your team are endless (there are even a couple of blogs from us on the topic). This is great because the studies don’t lie. People are competitive. Contests not only push your team to do their best, they also make the...
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A President’s Club (PC) is synonymous with success. A sales representative who has achieved a President’s Club Title highlights their success and achievements regardless of their industry. Organizations across many verticals use this exclusive club to reward the very best of the best plus motivate the rest of their team members with the dream of...
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“We don’t run sales contests, because we don’t want to create a competitive work environment.” More than a few sales leaders have told me this when talking sales performance. First of all, it’s important to note that a clear difference stands between competition in a healthy environment and competition in an unhealthy one. Sales leaders...
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You and your team have just wrapped up Q2. The sun is out and the weather is nice, leaving your reps doing more daydreaming about a pool day than focusing on pipeline growth. Use summer-themed sales contest ideas to bring them back. 5 Summer Sales Contest Ideas to Try: 1. The Contest: Q-3 Tee Time...
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You and your team have just wrapped up Q2. The sun is out and the weather is nice, leaving your reps doing more daydreaming about a pool day than focusing on pipeline growth. Use summer-themed sales contest ideas to bring them back. A few Summer Sales Contest Ideas to Start: 1. The Contest: Q-3 Tee Time...
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