
January 2014
When it comes to exploring sales gamification, I get the same questions all of the time… Will my sales team adopt and be moved by this strategy? Do you see burnout or loss of interest? How do I keep things fresh? What is the best way to motivate my team? We have limited IT resources...
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What was it like when you first started using Twitter? Chances are you didn’t know whether to post like you do on LinkedIn, Facebook or a combination of both. You weren’t exactly sure what a hashtag was or how it worked. You had no idea how you could follow so many people (suggested to you, of course) and...
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I need to get something off my chest: Doesn’t it seem like the sales men and women get to have all the fun? I mean, they are constantly involved in sales contests, winning prizes and being recognized. I’m tired of hearing a bell or a gong go off every time something happens in sales. Okay,...
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First we announced a webinar-based encore of Bob Marsh’s Dreamforce ’13 session: “Gamification: BS or Bottom Line?” It hit maximum capacity within 24 hours of registration opening. Next step? Turn the encore into more encores, based on requests. Today we ran the last one. The final step is what we’re writing this post to announce:...
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Alright, so you’ve heard us preach that layering sales incentives on top of sales contests isn’t mandatory for motivation. It’s true. But it’s also true that sales incentives have their advantages. They can keep contests fresh, which promotes your sales team’s engagement in competing. They can boost motivation. And the really good incentives? They can...
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Weight loss ads surround us, most of which insist a product – developed based on a scientific formula, of course – can melt away pounds and check off resolutions. The best part? The formula works for everyone. Or so the commercials say. We’re sorry to admit that one magic formula for designing perfect sales contests has yet...
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