
In the inbox-age of selling, your messages can get lost or confused very easily. Your prospects are likely inundated with messages daily, so it’s important that you craft a great email that will gain enough interest to get that first meeting booked. Here are some tips that will allow you to bring in the new...
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It’s here! It’s that time of the year to reflect on the previous year and plan for the next. No doubt your sales team has been coming up with a list of changes they should make to better themselves personally and professionally. Help them stick to their goals with these six personalized incentives: 1. For...
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“I am a Winner,” said this guy, with two thumbs pointed somewhere between my nipples and my collarbones. I grew up winning a lot, and not like today’s kids, who win because they simply show up – blue ribbons for participation, blech! Nope. I earned victories for the title of winner by competing and succeeding....
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“Persistence Pays!” “Persistence is more important than perfection!” “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” We’ve heard these inspirational mantras hundreds of times while we were developing into the go-getters we are now, but how many times do those of us in sales let our persistence turn us into the caller who gets...
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As a sales manager, you’re continually helping your reps become more efficient in prospecting efforts to uncover a greater number of opportunities, providing guidance to move them swiftly through the pipeline and coaching during the negotiation process to win a higher percentage of those opportunities. Competitions can serve as a great stepping-stone to driving this...
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Let’s be honest here: Year-end is fast approaching, and for most companies that leaves not too many selling days in the fiscal year. And you know what that means, right? Q4 celebration? Holiday parties? Well, maybe … but it’s a critical time to finalize, or for some begin, planning your sales kickoff meeting, too. What...
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