
Sales & Marketing Alignment
Wouldn’t it be nice if sales and marketing teams worked together like a well-oiled, revenue generating machine? Really, this has always been the goal of each, comprising the lifeblood of any business — but it’s rarely as simple as it seems. The alignment challenge for sales and marketing teams changed immensely with the onset of the internet and...
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Miss last week’s “Sales & Marketing Alignment: Critical Challenge, Simple Solution” webinar? You can now get a 15-minute recap. In the video, LevelEleven CEO Bob Marsh discusses: The sales and marketing alignment challenge Why it exists One solution, and what happened when three companies implemented it Here’s a glimpse at what he shares on the “why it exists”...
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With the rise of big data, as well as an expanding array of tools and the constantly shifting expectations of modern customers, the nature of the CMO (or VP of Marketing) position has changed rapidly in recent years — from a role primarily championing creativity to one requiring robust analytical and strategic skills, as well....
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Critical Challenge, Simple Solution. In a perfect world, sales and marketing teams would be working together like a well-oiled machine, leading customers from one end of their buying journey to the other seamlessly and with a singular voice and purpose. In the real world, it doesn’t always work out this way, and companies are paying...
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There’s software for almost anything these days. Literally. Even toothbrushes are connected. And most of this new software exists to bring you value in some way. Overwhelming, right? How in the heck are you supposed to decide what kinds of software actually deserve your investment? Our new eBook can help. Well, at least when it comes...
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The working relationship between sales and marketing is sometimes like a knock-down-drag-out bout, with both sides sticking closely to their corners, challenged to find a productive common ground. Fortunately today, with the help of advancements in motivational tools, the goal of aligning these two rivals into one unified and productive sales force is well within reach. So how do you do it? Where do...
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