
Sales management is a journey. In this journey, there are five main steps. These steps do not have to occur in order and leveling up to the next stage doesn’t mean forgetting the one that came before it. This framework is not set in stone; sales leaders should simply use the framework as a guide...
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Call centers have it rough. Whether they are selling through cold calls, supporting existing customers, or conducting research for outside companies, individual contributors at call centers are often overworked and underappreciated. If left unaddressed, this can lead to a stressful work environment and poor performance. The reality: more than ever call center employees need motivation...
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If you’re like many sales leaders, you’ve experienced the challenge of having too much data in too many places. A combination of Salesforce reports, dashboards, spreadsheets, as well as other sales software programs can make it nearly impossible to extract the critical information necessary to take action. With LevelEleven, your critical sales metrics are tracked...
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[su_heading size=”25″ align=”center”]TZA Increased Their Sales Revenue by Over 150% with LevelEleven![/su_heading] We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Tom Parbs, Inside Sales Manager at TZA, to talk with him about the success his sales team experienced after implementing LevelEleven. TZA, a leader in Supply Chain Management Systems, relies on LevelEleven’s Coach and...
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Contests help to focus the efforts of an entire team around a common goal. However, that goal can vary from team-to-team and business-to-business. As situations evolve, business leaders need to know how to align their internal contests to meet the present needs of their organization, while still making it fun and engaging! Here are five...
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When done right, LevelEleven sales contests garner notoriety from the executive table to the bullpen. But, to create a sales contest that wins the hearts of your salespeople, sales managers and executive team, you need to consider all of the factors that impact its success. If you’re a front line Sales Manager looking to build the...
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