
sales development
Attention spans may be shorter these days, but that’s not a valid reason why you can’t keep your prospects’ attention. The real problem? They don’t have the willingness to give you their time or energy. Simply put, you haven’t yet “caught” their attention. This doesn’t mean that it’s time to move on to other prospects...
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Sales management is a journey. In this journey, there are five main steps. These steps do not have to occur in order and leveling up to the next stage doesn’t mean forgetting the one that came before it. This framework is not set in stone; sales leaders should simply use the framework as a guide...
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We all have been there; you pick up the phone and someone is instantly trying to sell you something. Of course, you will probably politely decline and hang up – but why? It’s natural to be skeptical of a sales pitch whether they’re calling or knocking on your door. A recent study by Salesforce® found...
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As an undergraduate at Wayne State University Mike Ilitch School of Business, I learned how important strategy and execution are to the success of an organization. Regardless of company size, organizations have many layers, departments, and employees that need to work together seamlessly. Realizing business objectives requires planning and monitoring progress and nobody wants to...
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Congratulations! You have been promoted to sales manager. Going from a top performing sales person to a manager seems like it will be an easy transition, right? Wrong. The traits that make all-star salespeople usually don’t directly translate to the skills needed to be an effective sales manager. Becoming a sales leader, while exciting, comes...
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Generally speaking, the majority of salespeople fall within one of the following performance-based groups: The Rockstars: Sales reps who consistently exceed their goals and set the standard for the entire department. This group makes up about 20% of the sales team. The Pack: Sales reps who meet most of their goals, but are not among...
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