
Advice for Sales Managers
Daily activities for sales development reps can get noisy. You’ve seen it: They’re researching prospects, making phone calls, sending emails, qualifying leads, setting up appointments, scheduling demos, fielding qualified opportunities…the list goes on. That’s where sales KPIs can help. Not only do they improve decision making for reps on where to spend their time, but...
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Research from Vantage Point Performance tells us that 83% of metrics being used by sales leaders are unmanageable. It’s true. The vast majority of business numbers monitored by sales organizations are completely out of their control. “Our criteria for managing became that a frontline sales manager could directly influence the metric by asking someone to...
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We all know how difficult summer can be for sales. The weather warms up. Kids get out of school. Prospects and clients go on vacation (and then are too busy for you when they get back). So maintaining sales team momentum from June to August can be difficult. And understandably so – who really wants...
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Implementing Salesforce is a big deal. A really big deal. There’s a lot of time, energy and effort involved for everyone on your team – not to mention that CRM is a serious investment. To get the most ROI, you should know what you want to get out of Salesforce, as well as how you’re...
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As a data-driven modern sales leader, you already understand the benefits of sales KPIs: They provide you with an objective way to measure and coach around every step of the sales process; improve decision-making for sales reps on where they spend time; and help you maintain pacing toward revenue targets. But sometimes, defining KPIs can...
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We all want to save time and money. And let’s face it: Investing in yet another piece of sales technology does not seem like it does either of those. Not only do you have to spend money to purchase it, but then installation and roll-out eat up time for you and your sales team. But...
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