
Sales Coaching
Sales coaching is an important job for a sales manager. Yet, research from CSO Insights and the AA-ISP shows that less than 20 percent of the average sales leader’s time is spent on proactive coaching. In fact, the majority of a sales leader’s time is spent on administrative tasks and attending internal meetings. They have...
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Many sales leaders feel like sales coaching isn’t effective. But data tells us it can be, if done properly. The problem is that too many one-on-one sessions turn into mere pipeline reviews. Sales coaching requires so much more than that. You know it. We know it. So, let’s get down to business. Here are four...
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More than 70 percent of leading companies say sales coaching is the most important role of a front-line sales manager. But less than 20 percent of the average sales leader’s time is spent on proactive sales coaching. This doesn’t make sense. Especially when research shows that sales coaching is the best productivity investment to improve...
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Sales coaching is like training any muscle group. In order to keep growing, you have to switch up the exercises. That’s why you need to change your sales coaching strategy every once in awhile. Don’t get me wrong, you should still have weekly or bi-monthly one-on-one sessions. But that’s not the only exercise that can...
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Research shows that sales coaching with more data and less emotion is the most conducive to sales excellence. But many sales leaders still coach reps based on feelings and gut instinct. With a new year on the horizon, it’s time to build a better sales coaching strategy. These four steps explain how. 4 steps to...
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Sales leaders spend less than one-fifth of their time on sales coaching, according to research from CSO Insights and the AA-ISP. That seems odd. One of the primary responsibilities of a sales leader is to empower their reps for success. As Jason Jordan explains in “Cracking the Sales Management Code,” sales leaders are like war...
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