
Sales Activity Management
Hiring more salespeople is not the only way to increase sales activities. It’s true. But it may not be what you think. Plenty sales software helps teams perform specific behaviors more efficiently, resulting in pockets of increased productivity. We’re talking about a tool that reinforces the fundamental sales activities that lead to closing business. Hundreds...
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The sales stack marketplace is exploding. From 2000 to 2015, 244 inside sales technology companies were founded, and 2016 continues to be “the year of the sales stack.” As a sales leader, this means your inbox is restless and your voicemail remains perpetually full. Every day you hear about a new type of technology that...
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Let’s be honest here: Sales dashboards don’t affect sales performance in a meaningful way. They do visualize important data. You show them to C-level executives, investors and board members. They provide a high-level view of how your organization is performing. But you can’t use that data alone to manage sales reps. Sales dashboards tell you...
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Let’s be honest: A sales activity tracker sounds like micromanagement. Used a certain way, it can be. Tracking sales activities for the sake of monitoring every rep every moment of every day is definitely micromanagement. But sales activity management gives a new meaning to sales activity tracking. Instead of using it to control sales behaviors,...
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Modern sales leaders using sales activity management can tell you that the ROI is immediate. It’s true. After introducing sales activity management to the inside sales team at Paycor, sales activity quickly increased by 50 percent. Here are six ways you’ll see quick impact after implementing sales activity management: Immediate benefits of sales activity management...
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This is part of our series covering the best of Dreamforce 2016. Click here to read more. Jackson SVP of National Sales Development Doug Mantelli told a panel at Dreamforce that his sales organization used to have 35 key performance indicators. “We measured everything. We were data hogs.” Doug said. He explained that data was...
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