
Anytime someone moves into a new role, there is an adjustment period to figure out how to be effective. When that transition is from an individual contributor to manager, that adjustment can be even more jarring. We all know the typical story with sales managers – they were a top performing salesperson, had ambitions to...
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This is a new series of product-focused blogs to help our customers achieve even greater ROI with LevelEleven. To view other stories in the series, click here. In sales coaching, context matters That’s one of the many reasons we built our new activity snapshot feature within LevelEleven coaching. Another important reason is that many of...
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This is a new series of product-focused blogs to help our customers achieve even greater ROI with LevelEleven. To view other stories in the series, click here. Today, Salesforce unveiled Einstein High Velocity Sales Cloud: an AI-powered interface that allows reps to access their sales scorecard, activity capture, lead scoring and other tools in a...
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This is a new series of product-focused blogs to help our customers achieve even greater ROI with LevelEleven. To view other stories in the series, click here. Last week, we launched a powerful new feature within the LevelEleven Scorecard product: a sales KPI grid called Activity Overview. Like many of the capabilities within our system,...
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Hundreds of sales organizations are driving revenue with a growing category of software: sales activity management. With a sales activity management system, managers can spot the key activities needed to close business and set daily, weekly and monthly goals around them. They can then monitor and course-correct performance with real-time data, as well as keep...
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This is the first in a new series of product-focused blogs to help our customers achieve even greater ROI with LevelEleven. To view other stories in the series, click here. When implemented properly, sales metrics help salespeople get and stay focused on the critical few behaviors fundamental to closing business. But too many sales metrics...
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