
Employee Engagement
In the midst of what many have dubbed the “Great Resignation,” employee satisfaction is now a top priority. The U.S Department of Labor found 11.5 millions workers quit their jobs during the months of April, May, and June 2021.  The answer behind this mass exodus isn’t a simple one, as employees all have different reasons...
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As a sales manager, you’re always working to increase sales pipeline more efficiently and effectively. The goal is always to “do more, better” but your sales reps have quotas to hit for the quarter and only so much time in a day. Meanwhile, you have a whole team to keep track of whose performance directly...
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The world has faced a devastating global pandemic that has brought mental health to an all-time low. It’s been well-documented how individuals are suffering a lack of motivation and productivity amid such challenging times. This has led to a surge in articles and other resources with advice on how to help yourself out of this...
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Part 2: Build & Strengthen Community As we wrote in part one, there are plenty of little things you can do to help improve the employee experience when your team is spread out – some in the office, some at home, some in different time zones, etc. In our last post, you learned how to...
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Improve the Employee Experience by Getting Teams Engaged “We’re losing our company culture!” “How are we supposed to improve employee morale?” “We need a way to get everyone more engaged!” Sound like challenges you’re facing right now? You’re not alone. Keeping company culture alive when team members are in different physical locations is a common...
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Did you know that according to a survey by the American Society for Training and Development, 75% of executives say that mentoring has been critical to their career development? Mentoring isn’t only good for personal benefit, it can also help coworkers and your organization as a whole. Mentoring is different than managing or coaching. It...
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