
Advice for Sales Managers
The working relationship between sales and marketing is sometimes like a knock-down-drag-out bout, with both sides sticking closely to their corners, challenged to find a productive common ground. Fortunately today, with the help of advancements in motivational tools, the goal of aligning these two rivals into one unified and productive sales force is well within reach. So how do you do it? Where do...
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We all know that we live in a world of connectivity. All connected. All the time. Old news. When it comes to motivating sales and marketing teams, we’re all looking for ways to build on that technology that connects us, asking questions like: What’s the hottest incentive? What kinds of software solutions can motivate sales and/or marketing?...
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Sometimes, when it comes to sales incentives, you just need to ask yourself: “What could [name of salesperson] possibly do that would make me want to buy them a hot tub?” Right. Let me explain. Sales leaders from around the region got together at our recent Sales Leadership Jam in Detroit and talked about the...
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After one harsh winter, it’s officially barbecue season. Take advantage of that for some extra sales motivation this month. Build your next sales contest around opportunity creation and progression, and offer the winning team a BBQ lunch. It’ll get you ready for Q3 and allow you to take full advantage of what might be the best season of...
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In December, Forbes said that millennials (80s/90s babies) will be making “major changes in corporations over the next decade” and that some may be ill-prepared for the forthcoming generational sea-change. By next year, 36% of the American workforce will be millennials, and by 2025 that number will rise toward 75%. So, what do they want? What’s their ransom?...
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Depending on the size of your company, aligning sales and marketing can be an endeavor of varying difficulty. The one certainty is that it is an endeavor, and it is difficult. Sometimes very difficult. Big dogs like our own CEO Bob Marsh provide some great insight on approaching this challenge from the executive perspective [see: “The CMO’s...
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