
Advice for Sales Managers
Stressing about choosing the right incentives to motivate your sales team? We’ve got a better idea: Take a few minutes to check out this infographic instead. Then simply choose from one of the 3 types of sales incentives it illustrates. Oh, and get ready for a motivated team.
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(*Note: Since this post was published, the webinar aired and was recorded. You can watch it here.) Competition in the workplace can provide serious ROI – but your team must remain engaged for that to happen. LevelEleven CEO Bob Marsh will teach you how to ensure that it does in “Run Contests That Salespeople Want...
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Spend your days prospecting? Then you probably understand better than most the importance of effectively managing your timing. Watch this video to find out how LevelEleven’s Business Development Manager, Karley Hall, uses Salesforce to do that… Or, check out the transcript: Prospecting? Track “Activities” in Salesforce My name’s Karley Hall. I’m the Business Development Manager at...
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This guest “Salesforce Tip of the Week” comes from Dimensional Control Systems (DCS), a software development company based in Troy, Michigan. Here’s what the video comes down to: Importing leads into Salesforce can be an easy, efficient process. In fact, it should be nothing less. Watch the video to see DCS’ marketing specialist, Ben Reese, explain the...
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Sure, the traditional sales contest is an option. Give sales reps points based on closed deals, offer an incentive for the top earner and encourage productive sales activity. But don’t limit your team there. Allow work contests to reach beyond traditional limits, and you’ll realize that you can motivate just about anything with a little...
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Are you a business leader interested in learning about enterprise gamification? Then the Game Changer podcast series exists for you. We suggest you check it out.  And, if you’ll allow us to be biased, start with episode 9.  You’ll listen to host Jesse Lahey and guest Bob Marsh discuss topics like: What the 4 phases of CRM adoption...
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