
We’re hoping to spread some holiday cheer. Maybe this will help…
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Curious what our offices look like today? Well, if you walked out to the hallway, you’d see this: Then if you stepped into a conference room, you’d witness this: And out in the parking lot, you’d definitely catch a glimpse of something like this: Although we all tend to keep the excitement levels high at...
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After years of managing sales teams, LevelEleven CEO Bob Marsh discovered that it’s all about the carrots — at least when it comes to sales team motivation. Check out this short video to find out what exactly he learned and how it led to the creation of LevelEleven. Or, you can read the transcript: Bob:...
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Remember the last time we kept a secret? (If the answer’s no, click here.) Well, we did it again. That is, until Alex Williams broke the news via TechCrunch last night. And now, we couldn’t be more thrilled to announce our latest round of funding. Here’s an excerpt from the TechCrunch coverage: LevelEleven Raises $2M...
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Some things are just part of the business. When you launch a company in Detroit, questions on why comprise one of those things. “Why Detroit?” “Why not Silicon Valley?” “Why not somewhere your business could really take off?” Sometimes these questions root from genuine curiosity; other times they accompany expressions of sympathy. Either way, here’s...
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On July 19, news of Detroit’s bankruptcy flooded headlines. Just after, curious non-Detroiters flooded LevelEleven phone lines. Many had similar questions; curiosity targeted how we’d taken the news, how we’d be affected, how we’d succeed by refusing to move the business. So we all stayed busy assuring everyone that our pride in Detroit remained untouched...
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