
Sales Performance
A President’s Club (PC) is synonymous with success. A sales representative who has achieved a President’s Club Title highlights their success and achievements regardless of their industry. Organizations across many verticals use this exclusive club to reward the very best of the best plus motivate the rest of their team members with the dream of...
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No matter what industry you are in, companies are looking for ways to keep their employees engaged without decreasing their productivity. One of the best ways to do this is through contests (Don’t believe us? Check out our post on why your organization needs contests). While running a contest sounds like a simple way to...
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Efficiency [ih-fish–uh n-see] noun; the state or quality of being efficient, or able to accomplish something with the least waste of time. We’ve all heard the statistic: salespeople only spend ⅓ of their time actually selling. This can easily be blamed on the salespeople themselves but taking a step back, it’s easier to tell what...
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We get it, you have been doing your job for a while now and it’s gotten a bit repetitive. In fact, 66% of employees that feel bored or underappreciated at work will quit their job. That number jumps to 76% in millennials. The bottom line? Boredom and lack of recognition is a big deal to...
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Sales management is a journey. In this journey, there are five main steps. These steps do not have to occur in order and leveling up to the next stage doesn’t mean forgetting the one that came before it. This framework is not set in stone; sales leaders should simply use the framework as a guide...
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For sales leaders, the end of Q2 offers a pleasant opportunity to look back and reflect on your team’s accomplishments over the past six months. But you don’t want to bask in past successes too long, as the start of the second half of the year means new goals, new challenges, and new potential. In...
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