
Sales Coaching
There has been lots written and studied about the changing buying process, and how that affects the type of salespeople you need to adapt and match the times. What’s not talked about is the changing role of the sales leader. The modern sales leader has a whole different profile than the sales leader of the...
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In our last post, we talked about the importance of discussing sales KPIs with your team. Today we’ll share tips for acting on that advice. These tips serve as especially useful just before you finalize any new set of sales KPIs, such as you would at the beginning of a new quarter or year. If you won’t...
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As a kid, my dad used to make me watch the ’70s Kung Fu classic “Enter the Dragon” with him whenever it was on TV. “Bruce Lee is a bad dude,” he’d say. “Nobody wants to mess with Bruce Lee!” He was right. Even by Hollywood action movie standards, Bruce Lee was amazing. Despite standing...
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This is part 3 in the “Skill vs. Will Sales Coaching Series.” Read part 1 here and 2 here.  In parts 1 and 2 of this blog series, we’ve looked at using skill vs. will to analyze your team and introduced some of the personality traits you might come across. Now, in part III, we get to...
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This is part 2 in the “Skill vs. Will Sales Coaching Series.” Read part 1 here. Before you can pull the right strings to coach up your team, you need to recognize your players. Looking at their skill vs. will makeup can help in determining what approaches to take with sales coaching and how you want to...
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Closing deals and making the number is the goal of any salesperson or sales leader. There is complete alignment here, and anyone in sales has selected a career where they are willing to be held accountable to their results. In fact, in most cases, 50% of their compensation is tied to hitting these goals! So...
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