
Sales Activity Management
Real-time Visibility Into Team Activity Without Micromanaging Managers across all industries are seeking guidance on virtually keeping employees motivated and holding their teams accountable. The sales landscape has changed dramatically, and leaders are just as uncertain as their employees about how to overcome today’s challenges. We’re all just trying to do our best. Particularly for...
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Let’s be honest here: Sales dashboards don’t affect sales performance in a meaningful way. They do visualize important data. You show them to C-level executives, investors and board members. They provide a high-level view of how your organization is performing. But you can’t use that data alone to manage sales reps. Sales dashboards tell you...
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According to a survey conducted by CSO Insights, 80% of employees are not actively engaged at work.   Shocking? Maybe. True? Definitely. In fact, the same study found that organizations, where more than half of reps report feeling engaged, are nearly twice as likely to meet their quotas. In fact, the difference in quota achievement...
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Generally speaking, the majority of salespeople fall within one of the following performance-based groups: The Rockstars: Sales reps who consistently exceed their goals and set the standard for the entire department. This group makes up about 20% of the sales team. The Pack: Sales reps who meet most of their goals, but are not among...
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For sales leaders, the end of Q2 offers a pleasant opportunity to look back and reflect on your team’s accomplishments over the past six months. But you don’t want to bask in past successes too long, as the start of the second half of the year means new goals, new challenges, and new potential. In...
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Here at LevelEleven, we are dedicated to making the sales process easier and more productive. A big part of doing so involves listening to the needs of our customers and using that information to improve our solution. LevelEleven’s Scorecard and Manager Scorecard have always been popular solutions for front-line sales managers and individual contributors but...
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