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The activity-based selling movement draws a lot of attention to sales activities. Modern sales leaders determine sales strategies, metrics and even coaching based on their team’s key selling behaviors. But a sales strategy that focuses so heavily on activities begs the question: Should sales reps be compensated for sales activities? The idea likely seems comical...
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Your first enterprise customer is a big deal. Not only will you learn about the complexity involved in selling to a large enterprise, but it could create momentum that puts your company on a new trajectory. That’s no reason to shy away from the task ahead. Everybody is trying to sell into the large sizzly...
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Let’s be honest: A sales activity tracker sounds like micromanagement. Used a certain way, it can be. Tracking sales activities for the sake of monitoring every rep every moment of every day is definitely micromanagement. But sales activity management gives a new meaning to sales activity tracking. Instead of using it to control sales behaviors,...
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“It’s not just about reports and dashboards anymore,” Aragon Research CEO Jim Lundy told a crowd of sales leaders during a panel at Dreamforce. He’s right. The modern sales software stack is so much more than that. We have software for sales enablement, activity management, engagement and even “account-based everything.” But too much technology can...
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This is part of our series covering the best of Dreamforce 2016. Click here to read more. Jackson SVP of National Sales Development Doug Mantelli told a panel at Dreamforce that his sales organization used to have 35 key performance indicators. “We measured everything. We were data hogs.” Doug said. He explained that data was...
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Many modern sales leaders already understand the importance of managing sales activities. SalesLoft VP of Sales Derek Grant is one of them. As Derek told a panel at Dreamforce, his team tracks their total sales activities, calls, conversations and meetings scheduled. The leadership team reviews those numbers on a weekly basis. If sellers don’t complete...
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