
Advice for Sales Managers
There has been lots written and studied about the changing buying process, and how that affects the type of salespeople you need to adapt and match the times. What’s not talked about is the changing role of the sales leader. The modern sales leader has a whole different profile than the sales leader of the...
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We’ve written much recently on the importance of setting the right sales metrics and KPIs for your sales team, so let’s say you’re ready to go. You want to take a handful of the most critical metrics and build them into the center of your sales culture. They’ll become the “vital signs” of your sales...
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Through my experience as owner of The Harris Consulting Group, I’ve come across businesses big and small across all industries, and one thing remains true: Every sales organization needs a sales approach driven by key performance indicators (KPIs). Sales KPIs are both money makers and career builders. Implementing a sales KPI strategy indicates maturing of...
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When a salesperson starts in their new gig, some of the main questions they ask themselves are, “How am I going to get trained so I can ramp as fast as possible?” and “How am I going to put myself in the best possible position to succeed?” New hires are going through a big life...
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Sales contests around face-to-face meetings can be game changing. Seriously. They allowed Kelly Services to generate an additional $5.8 million in 60 days. (Get that story here.)  And the Kelly team isn’t alone in recognizing this. Of all the contests our clients run to reward activities related to meetings, those around landing face-to-face meetings hold “most popular” status....
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At LevelEleven, we study sales contests. We just have this thing for collecting new wisdom on what works best for motivating sales teams and optimizing sales performance. Recently, we decided to summarize some of it — to come up with an updated list of our 10 best tips for building the ultimate sales contest. Today, we want to share them...
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