Executive Scorecards for Enterprise-level Teams

How LevelEleven’s Executive Scorecard Empowers Leadership With Visibility and Focus

(Hint: Not a big reader? Check out our short demo of Executive Scorecard below!)

Do these situations sound familiar to you?

You’re struggling to get a comprehensive understanding of the performance of the teams under you – not because the data doesn’t exist, but because there is an overwhelming amount of data and it’s spread out all over the place.

Regular reporting has become tedious and time-consuming as the scope of teams you are supervising has grown. To gather the necessary data, you have to click back and forth between a number of different sources, and by the time you’ve captured the performance metrics for 4-5 teams, you’ve already lost track!

As a high level manager, you would really prefer to look at consolidated data so you can explain to the C-suite how their teams are doing. But you also need to be able to look deeper into the data to see how individual teams and team members are performing in order to pinpoint the “problem areas.” These conflicting needs have created a challenge for your Salesforce admin, who has to patch together temporary solutions to accomplish what you’re asking for because your existing tech doesn’t have advanced capabilities (which just ends up breaking something else in your CRM).

Ring any bells?

We understand that enterprise leaders like yourself often oversee multiple teams within teams with different reporting lines, making for a complex organizational structure. More often than not, the metrics that are important to track for one department or team will be different than the KPIs that are important to another team. With so many different team metrics to keep track of, it can be difficult to truly get a holistic view of an organization’s performance.

If these pain points are resonating with you, you need LevelEleven’s Executive Scorecard.

What is LevelEleven’s Executive Scorecard?

Executive Scorecard provides a condensed, focused view of how your enterprise-level team is doing, instantly.

LevelEleven’s exclusive product is a performance management tool for large teams and those with complex business structures. Think of it as a sort of real-time, executive summary of individual and team performance. The Executive Scorecard aggregates data related to key metrics or KPIs, providing a high-level overview of what matters most: your team’s progress toward goals.

In this single, consolidated view, you are able to see all of the teams assigned to you at one time and monitor how they are pacing toward their goals. Designed for large teams that have multiple managers reporting to a senior-level manager or executive, our customers use this scorecard view to keep a pulse on the diverse set of teams they’re responsible for (in fact, it was initially developed to solve a specific customer’s problem).

Enterprise-level Executive Scorecard high-level overview of aggregate data for visibility and focus into team performance for executives

But the actionable insights don’t stop there. You can drill down to individual teams or team members to narrow your focus and pinpoint any “problem areas” that are potential coaching moments. With the added visibility from your Executive Scorecard, you know in real-time which team managers need further coaching to improve performance and exactly where they’re going wrong.

Executive Scorecard Hierarchies allow executives to understand, at a glance, how each individual team is measuring up to the executives’ chosen metrics. If a team is behind or ahead, executives are able to quickly drill down and see what metrics the team is measuring against and how they’re performing towards additional goals set by the executives.

Think of our Executive Scorecard as the next step up from our Manager Scorecard (which is a step up from our Performance Scorecard). These hierarchical products visualize data to provide actionable insights into how teams are performing toward their goals – both individually and as a whole.

If you aren’t yet familiar with our Performance Scorecard, we recommend you learn more about it here to gain a better understanding of the premise behind LevelEleven’s scorecards.

Who is LevelEleven’s Executive Scorecard meant for?

The creation of Executive Scorecard has provided executives, managers and admin teams that are part of large organizations an effective solution to the multiple challenges they faced previously. In addition to admins, we’ve seen a diverse array of roles that have benefited from their org’s use of Executive Scorecard, but the most common users fall under an executive or management role.

Executives & Heads of Sales: One of the most significant benefits of Executive Scorecard is for the Head of Sales, whether their title is VP of Sales, Chief Revenue Officer, or something else. At a glance, the Head of Sales can see how their entire team or individual groups are performing against their assigned metrics they have identified as most important to driving results. In addition, the executive has the ability to easily drill down to the individual team member level from the same screen and get a count of how many individuals are not meeting the target. Now sales executives can quickly zero in on teams where a few well performing AEs can paper over the wider team’s lack of performance.

Managers & Upper-level Management: Managers at all levels can track the 4 primary metrics requested by executives as well as those they’ve identified for their teams to best complement their leadership style. Executive Scorecard allows them to quickly identify which groups they need to prioritize and reach out to in order to course-correct before the end of the quarter.

Upper-level management can see which teams are performing well and which reps aren’t performing well against metrics, creating an opportunity for high-level managers to see which reps need coaching. From there, they can drill-down to investigate which underperformers haven’t had a coaching session in a number of days, so they can reach out to the individual’s manager to discuss coaching.

Admins: Salesforce admins, analysts, and others in an operations role are able to quickly and simply pull the numbers and metrics they report on regularly (number of teams/team members, total open opportunities, number of untouched opportunities, etc.). Executive Scorecard simplifies the reporting process, so it’s easy to grab data such as number of teams and team members, total open opportunities, etc. in a matter of seconds when requested. Analysts can access snapshot data from previous periods that can be pulled from Salesforce reports, too.

Actionable Insights for Enterprise Executives, All in Real-Time

With our Executive Scorecard, you get the best of both worlds. On the one hand, you can see performance data rolled up in a consolidated, summarized format for all the teams that report to you. On the other hand, you can drill-down to analyze metrics by team or individual team members. This allows you to quickly understand current and historical sales team performance to make informed decisions.

The aggregated data provides an at-a-glance view so that despite the large amount of data or information you’re getting, it isn’t overwhelming. Although you can see lots of information at once, it’s still very focused so you know what you’re looking at. You’ll get a look at what matters most in the high-level overview, and from there narrow your focus to more specific metrics so you can quickly identify problem areas – or teams that are doing exceedingly well.

Like LevelEleven’s Performance and Manager Scorecards, Executive Scorecard’s data visualization includes color-coding for instant comprehension of these problem areas or teams with outstanding performance. Metrics that appear in red immediately draw attention to poor performance, while green indicates performance that exceeds expectations, and blue signals the team or individual is on track to meet their goal. Therefore, the instant you open the scorecard you understand how everyone is performing, without having to switch back and forth between multiple teams and metrics.

Enterprise-level Executive Scorecard drill-down view of aggregate data providing visibility and focus into individual team members' performance for executives

Because everything is consolidated in one place, you can also compare performance metrics across your entire organization (even if they aren’t tracked at an individual team level). Senior leaders can run comparisons between different teams against a common metric that is critical to the sales process. These actionable insights into a specific team or entire organization empowers senior-level executives to make informed decisions to drive the company forward.

A consolidated View of Performance Metrics With Powerful Drill-Down Capabilities

If you’re looking for a more powerful Scorecard option, your best bet is Executive Scorecard, offered exclusively by LevelEleven. The best way to understand Executive Scorecard is to see it as a sort of summary, a visible scoreboard that provides executive leadership with clarity and visibility into the performance of an entire organization. The summary (or scoreboard) helps high-level executives in the following ways:

  • Provides a consolidated view of your org for instant understanding of performance at the individual and team level
  • Enables high-level managers to quickly pinpoint the actionable issues they can start working on through coaching
  • Empowers executive leadership with actionable insights, visibility and focus into the performance of an entire organization
  • Allows executives and high-level leaders to instantly evaluate progress towards goals at any team level with real-time, aggregated data

We developed Executive Scorecard in response to a customer pain point – they had evolved in their use of LevelEleven to a point where they could no longer get the answers they needed quickly enough. Rather than requiring them to adapt their processes to our product, we developed the product itself to work the way they worked.

Their use-case went beyond just needing to assign teams or look at specific metrics. With the newly-developed Executive Scorecard, our customer was also able to see real-time team numbers and thus keep a pulse on their team, even when they were working remotely.

This is representative of the level of support and involvement all LevelEleven customers receive. We’re confident you’ll see the same success when you use Executive Scorecard in your own organization, so request your demo today!

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