Decision Makers Don’t Need More Data

How LevelEleven Helps Put Your Sales Data Into Context

Sales leaders have a lot of information at their disposal. As new technologies for collecting data emerge, the mound of data you have to sift through grows more and more unmanageable, leaving you with few insights and plenty of noise.

Sure, reports and dashboards are helpful for summarizing all this data. But all those dashboards and reports can quickly become confusing, with too many different sources to pull from making it hard to decipher what the data is really saying.

You need a tool that helps decipher that data, surfacing those valuable insights that you know are there, you just can’t quite see them. So it isn’t about gaining access to more and more data – it’s about contextualizing the data you already have.

Solutions like LevelEleven help you do just that.

LevelEleven cuts down on all the noise so that you can focus on the data and metrics that truly matter.

Why More Data Is Not the Answer

Sales managers need to dig deeper into their existing data to maximize its value. Rather than spreading yourself too thin and attempting to track and analyze everything, it’s in your best interest to narrow your focus to only the most relevant data.


Because if you’re focusing on too many things, you end up focusing on nothing. It all relates to the age-old debate about quality vs. quantity. Many leaders fall victim to the mistaken belief that “more is better,” but that isn’t the case when it comes to your data.

Too much irrelevant information is a distraction, not an asset, and clouds your view of the truly important insights that impact your business.

Further, consider this: if you have to pull all kinds of spreadsheets & reports from all different sources, just to try to get a clear picture of how your team is performing, that’s hours of work wasted each week. Time that you can’t get back.

That’s time that could have been spent doing something more valuable that directly impacts your organization’s bottom line.

How LevelEleven Helps You Understand Your Data

LevelEleven was built to give you all the most relevant information you need to lead and be part of a sales team, right within the tool you already use on a daily basis: your Salesforce CRM.

The purpose behind LevelEleven is to simplify your role as a sales leader, not make it more complex, so it narrows your focus to only the most important metrics, and displays them in an easily digestible way.

Rather than distracting you with numerous irrelevant metrics, LevelEleven puts your 4 primary active metrics front and center, with up to 16 other secondary metrics available to track.

The metrics are color-coded, so if your team is on track to meet their goals the metric appears teal, to surpass those goals is green, and red means you aren’t on track. This narrows your focus to only the most important data, and displays that data so that you instantly understand what it means.

Further, the overview leaderboard found on LevelEleven’s Manager Scorecard uses LevelEleven Performance Index (LPI) Scores to rank each of your team members. This enables you to quickly assess who your top performers are, as well as those who fall in the middle 60% where you should be directing your attention for maximum impact.

LevelEleven Manager Scorecard

In an instant, you understand how your entire team is progressing toward those important primary metrics, potentially saving you hours of time that you would have spent analyzing a spreadsheet.

In addition, LevelEleven’s Conversion Insights feature shows you exactly what your team needs to be doing to make their goals. Essentially, it does all the work for you to determine (based on historical data) how a change in one primary metric will impact other primary metrics in a cascading model.


These are only a sampling of the many features of LevelEleven’s solution that will revolutionize the way you interpret your data. Having a solution like this truly gives you actionable insights, so you know exactly what you and your team need to do to meet your revenue goals.

After all, data collection itself is not so important, it’s what you do with that data that really matters. All the insights in the world are useless if you don’t take action.

Data Drives Decisions

Decision makers don’t need more data, they need solutions that help them understand what the data is telling them, instantly. Get rid of the noise and hyper-focus on what matters most.

As a sales leader, you have a lot of priorities. From monitoring your team’s activities, to coaching your sales reps, to pulling reports and analytics, there is plenty to focus on all at once and not much time to do it all.

With LevelEleven, you’ll save hours of trying to sort through rows of data in a spreadsheet because the most important metrics to your organization are already laid out in front of you. You’ll know where you stand in one glance.

Most importantly, with traditional spreadsheets and reports you’re stuck reflecting on the past, rather than taking action for the future. It’s time to be proactive.

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