9 Of The Best Dreamforce Sessions Happening Thursday

This is part of a daily series running for every day of Dreamforce ‘16 to highlight the most anticipated events. Click here to read more Dreamforce content.

Dreamforce sessions are great opportunities for identifying major trends, developing strategies and networking with peers. The Dreamforce website lists almost 1,000 breakout sessions happening today.

best dreamforce sessions on thursdayThat is a lot of information to parse through.

Although you can break them down by business role (or even use Salesforce’s trail maps as guides), we wanted to make it a little easier on you.

Here are the nine Dreamforce sessions you really don’t want to miss today.

9 Dreamforce sessions for your agenda today

1. Maximize Your Modern Sales Investments

Time: 8:00 – 8:40 AM

Place: San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel, Nob Hill A-D


  • Elton Hart, Senior Director of Field Sales, Comcast
  • Amy Appleyard, VP of Sales, LogMeIn
  • Mitch Henderson, Co-CEO, BNP Media
  • Bob Marsh, CEO, LevelEleven
  • Serena Schlaile, Product Marketing Manager, Salesforce

Summary: Learn how to run your own well-oiled sales machine with instant ROI from your modern sales team and technology investments.

2. Sales Nerds Rise Up. Modern Selling Is More Than Just Sales Tactics

Time: 10:30 – 11:10 AM
Place: San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel, Foothill F


  • Sean Kester, VP of Product Strategy, SalesLoft
  • Don Otvos, VP of Sales Operations, DataHug
  • Peter Kazanjy, Founder, Modern Sales
  • Tracy Zirbel, Sales Systems Architect, Cisco Meraki

Summary: Become a sales nerd to master the systems and processes that fuel sales teams. Use data and workflows to impact trends, performance and success.

3. Salesforce for Sales Keynote: Transform Sales from Lead to Cash

Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Place: Moscone North, Moscone North Hall D


  • Adam Blitzer, EVP & GM of Sales Cloud, Salesforce
  • Pete Griffin, President, Musicians On Call
  • Mike Clayville, VP WW Sales and BD, Amazon Web Services
  • William Moxley, SVP of Sales Cloud Product Management, Salesforce
  • Sara Varni, SVP of Sales Cloud Product Marketing, Salesforce

Summary: Maintain your sales edge with these Salesforce technologies and best practices that help reps sell smarter.

4. Sales Summit: Critical Steps to Building and Leading Winning Teams

Time: 12:00 – 2:00 PM

Place: San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel, Yerba Buena Salon 9


  • Amy Appleyard, VP of Sales, LogMeIn
  • Colleen Francis, President, Engage Selling Solutions
  • Shep Maher, SVP of Sales, GuideSpark
  • Lori Richardson, CEO, Score More Sales
  • Dan Ross, Salesforce
  • Tim Sanders, Author of “Dealstorming” and “Love Is the Killer App”
  • Ivonne Valdes, Vice President of Cloud, Schneider Electric

Summary: A two-hour session broken down into four half hour segments, where you’ll learn how today’s top sales leaders recruit and lead stellar sales teams.

5. Google and Salesforce: A Peek Into the Future of Work

Time: 2:00 – 2:40 PM

Place: San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel, Yerba Buena Salon 4-6


  • Tom Holman, Product Manager, Google
  • Daniel Chang, VP of Strategic Product Alliances, Salesforce
  • Sriram Iyer, Senior Director of Product Management, Salesforce
  • Greg Malpass, CEO, Traction on Demand

Summary: Get a unique preview into how Salesforce and Google are building solutions to assist you at work by bringing all the information, documents and communications from your CRM to your fingertips.

6. Making Sure “Metrics-Driven Sales” Means More New Business

Time: 2:30 – 3:10 PM

Place: San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel, Yerba Buena Salon 7


  • Derek Grant, VP of Sales, SalesLoft
  • Janet Jansen, Director of High Velocity Sales, Paycor
  • Jason Jordan, Partner, Vantage Point
  • Doug Mantelli, Senior Vice President of Sales Development, Jackson
  • Bob Marsh, CEO, LevelEleven
  • Serena Schlaile, Product Marketing Manager, Salesforce

Summary: Six experts will help you sort through an abundance of sales data and determine where your team should focus to increase revenue. Bonus: You’ll get access to exclusive sales KPI research.

7. “Exponential Growth or Bust!” AppExchange Apps with Proven Sales ROI

Time: 3:00 – 3:40 PM

Place: Moscone West, 2011


  • Carie Buchanan, Regional Vice President of Customer Success, Salesforce
  • Melissa Kinckle, Director, Kaplan
  • Cambria Shapiro, Sales Operations, GuideSpark
  • Brian Vass, Vice President of Sales and Marketing Technology, Paycor

Summary: Find out which AppExchange apps are driving tangible growth for these Salesforce customers, as well as how to deliver ROI for your own business.

8. Partner Marketing: Customer & Advocate Marketing

Time: 4:00 – 4:40 PM

Place: Park Central Hotel, Olympic


  • Maria Pergolino, Senior Vice President, Global Marketing Apttus
  • Cecile Poyet, Senior Marketing Manager, Salesforce
  • Corinne Sklar, CMO, Bluewolf
  • Kristy Sharrow, Director of Marketing, LevelEleven

Summary: These marketing gurus will teach you how to create advocate marketing programs that are engaging, scalable and measurable.

9. Activity-Based Sales: Use Email, Calendar and Phone the Right Way

Time: 4:30 – 5:10 PM

Place: San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel, Yerba Buena Salon 13-15


  • Brandon Bruce, COO & Co-Founder, Cirrus Insight
  • Richard Harris, Owner, The Harris Consulting Group
  • Heather Morgan, CEO, Salesfolk
  • Nancy Nardin, President, Smart Selling Tools

Summary: This team will demonstrate how to create scalable email campaigns, schedule more meetings and optimize response rates with the right sales enablement strategy and sales stack.

Don’t forget to stop by the Cloud Expo in Moscone North to see the hundreds of partners and thousands of solutions made to help you get the most out of your Salesforce investment. Check out the Dreamforce ‘16 campus map here.

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