The Importance of Employee Recognition

Company culture is under a microscope amid all the uncertainty and the “Great Resignation.” As a result, there has never been a more important time to start placing an emphasis on employee recognition. 

Calling out good work and behavior might seem like a no brainer, but it just isn’t happening. In fact, a survey found that 82% of employees don’t feel as though they are recognized enough for their contributions. 

The reason behind this startling statistic could be as simple as managers assuming their employees already know that they’re valued. Regardless of any possible explanation, the fact remains that something needs to be done.

Why is Employee Recognition So Important?

There is a big misconception about what good company culture looks like. Some in leadership positions might think that offering free snacks and games in office common areas is what it’s all about, but company culture begins and ends with a demonstrated understanding that wellness is the priority.

Wellness, in this case, looks like employee satisfaction. Recognition is an effortless way to accomplish that.

Recognizing an employee for their contributions allows them to experience a sense of accomplishment and the knowledge that they are valued because their work is making a difference. Those feelings lead to employee satisfaction, which then leads to employee retention. 

If someone is happy, they are going to stick around.

why is employee recognition important

The Right Way to Recognize Employees

There’s a big difference between stamping an accolade onto every little project and creating moments of meaningful recognition. In order to effectively recognize employees, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

1. Recognition should be timely

See something good, say something good. Employees shouldn’t be kept waiting until review periods to receive praise. It might seem challenging to recognize work in real time, but performance management solutions like LevelEleven make it possible. Badges can be customized and awarded at any time to Performance Scorecard users, which makes it easier than ever to recognize an employee in the moment.

2. Recognition should be genuine

There is nothing too big or too small to recognize, but it should have meaning. Recognizing employees based on specific results and behaviors ensures that the positive feedback feels genuine. If you want to recognize progress and improvement, consider rallying teams around a specific metric using Milestones to automatically award a Badge and optional prize upon personal goal completion for a set period of time.

3. Recognition is for everyone

Peer-to-peer recognition is just as important for a company’s overall culture. It’s vital to create opportunities for employees to applaud one other. Encouraging positive feedback among peers fosters healthy working relationships and leads to a more collaborative environment, ensuring everyone feels supported.

Making Employee Recognition a Habit

A study found that employees who have been recognized are 63% more likely to stay at their job for the next three to six months. With this statistic in mind, imagine the effects if employees were recognized on a regular basis. 

Consistency is key with employee recognition and, oddly enough, it’s also the key to creating a habit. It’s time to let go of any belief that an employee already knows their value at a company and start recognizing behavior in real time.

A lot of things can go without saying, but a job well done should never be one of them.

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