Goal Engine

Goal Engine

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How do you know if the goals you are setting for your team are too high or too low? You can now intelligently review and update goals with the LevelEleven Goal Engine.

Goal Engine makes it easy to understand the viability of goals you have currently set for your team. With this feature, leaders ensure reps stay engaged and motivated with clearly defined, realistic goals.

This powerful method of managing individual and team goals gives you visibility into your key metrics, allowing you to judge the health of your sales organization. Armed with this information, you can use Goal Engine to adjust goals on the fly using historical data.

To aid in your data-driven strategy, Goals Engine exposes a snapshot of information that helps you optimize your team’s goals, including:

  • Historical average for that metric and a suggested goal range
  • List of team members and their current goal setting

And so much more!

Goal Engine is available in our Motivate and Coach solutions.

There’s still so much more LevelEleven can do for you