The Ultimate List of Top Sales KPIs [Infographic]

With the rise of Activity Based Selling, the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) as operating metrics has become more important than ever.

top 64 sales kpisSales KPIs are the leading indicators of your operating metrics. When tracked in real time, they help you stay on pace to your larger sales performance goals.

Of course, first you must make sure you have the correct KPIs in place. Determining which KPIs are “correct” can be an intimidating and frustrating process. But it doesn’t have to be! Here are four simple steps to get you started:

4 Quick Steps To Define Your Main Sales KPIs


  1. Define the structure of your sales organization. Are your teams specialized? Are they segmented by region or market size?
  2. Develop your own hypothesis of the right metrics and activities. Check out our infographic below for some ideas, but remember that KPIs should be specific to your sales process and type of team.
  3. Interview salespeople, managers and executives. Show them our list below, and then ask what they think are the most important activities to track.
  4. Review your hypothesis and your team’s feedback, and select final metrics. It’s best practice to have 3 leading indicators (like meetings and proposals sent) and one lagging indicator (such as wins or average deal size) as your main sales KPIs.

Earlier this year, we analyzed more than 1,500 sales activities being used for KPIs across over 100 sales organizations. Then we put the highlights together for you in the inaugural Sales KPI Report. Now, we’re bringing you an ultimate list of top KPIs from that research.

64 Top Sales KPIs

Here are the top sales KPIs we discovered modern sales leaders using. Because some organizations have very specialized roles for their sales teams, we broke down the KPIs by seller role in this infographic (you will also notice duplicates between roles).

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