Sales leader brief: Salesforce Einstein

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Salesforce recently announced an artificial intelligence integration across its entire Cloud platform. Salesforce Einstein will enable AI capabilities in fields, objects, workflows, components and more.

Salesforce Einstein AIEinstein uses machine learning, predictive analytics and natural language processing to deliver automatically personalized models for each customer. The models learn and adapt with each new interaction or data point, delivering a predictive customer experience.

Salesforce users are also able to build apps with Einstein-powered fields in objects, page layouts and workflows. The company has also created the Salesforce Research group, which will focus on AI exploration for the product and engineering teams.

There’s a lot to learn about this new AI integration. We broke it down to just the sales leader highlights.

Sales Leader Highlights of Salesforce Einstein

New Einstein features are being developed for every Salesforce Cloud:

  • Sales Cloud: Sales teams can use predictive lead scoring to focus on the right leads; opportunity insights to understand how a deal is progressing; and automated activity capture to easily log email and calendar activity.
  • Service Cloud: Predictive recommendation technologies can pre-populate key case fields and route the cases to the right agent, as well as predict the time needed to resolve an issue.
  • Marketing Cloud: Predictive scoring, audiences and send-time optimization helps marketers engage the right people at the right time.
  • Commerce Cloud: Personalized product recommendations and predictive sort integrations provide shoppers with products they are more likely to engage with, in addition to providing commerce insights to retailers.
  • Community Cloud: Engage better with recommended experts, articles and topics, as well as newsfeed insights that highlight relevant and popular content.  
  • Analytics Cloud: Find and understand insights from millions of data points in just minutes with the smart data discovery, and discover patterns in any of your processes with predictive Wave apps.  
  • IoT Cloud: Score streaming data from connected IoT devices and utilize recommended next actions based on them.

Pricing for each will be announced, but some will be included as part of existing packages. Certain features of Community Cloud Einstein, Analytics Cloud Einstein and Commerce Cloud Einstein are generally available as part of their licenses.

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