What Salespeople are REALLY Like…in GIFs

Salespeople are fascinating. To the naked eye they might seem like masters of their emotions, steady and in control of their environment, choosing each word and reflex carefully and with a purpose. But on the inside, there’s a MUCH different story unfolding — one bursting at the seams with a wild range of emotions: despair, giddiness, anxiety, exaltation and everything in between. 

Since we work with salespeople on the daily and are salespeople ourselves, we thought we’d pull back the curtain on the kinds of things going on inside a salesperson every day. If you’re unfamiliar, this complex psyche may come as a surprise. But if this hits close to home for you, well, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone!

So what are salespeople really like?

When they’re waiting on a potential buyer…

What they want you to think they’re doing…

and feeling…

but they’re really just…

and feeling…

But when they finally connect with that buyer!

They try to be all like, but underneath they’re like…


When the buyer is going on and on about something completely unrelated…

On the outside they…

and on the inside it’s…

How they REALLY feel when…

A prospect says they’re not interested in the product…

or went with a competitor’s product instead…

BUT when they FINALLY close a deal they’ve been chasing after…

They try to come off like…

but on the inside there’s a whole lot of…


and a little of this…

And that’s about it…

So next time you’re with a salesperson, just remember, there’s A LOT more going on in there than meets the eye. So be nice to them, and everyone can be like…

…and everything will be wonderful.

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