Sales Team, Meet Chatter – 4 Routes to Adoption [Free eBook]

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As Dreamforce sponsors scramble to rearrange booths and retrieve lead scan devices, Dreamforce attendees scrutinize their schedules. Right about now, professionals from around the nation are scrolling through over 1,000 sessions on hundreds of topics and wondering: Are those that I registered for really worth the hour lost networking over lunch or learning about new products on the expo floor?

As predictions have it, we’d say we have a pretty good one for that question – at least when it comes to one certain type of content. For any session that relates to Salesforce Chatter, the answer will be yes.

At last year’s Dreamforce, many sales leaders we encountered didn’t seem to know what exactly to do with Chatter; they seemed indifferent as to whether their team should use the tool, since they couldn’t clearly define its purpose. Since then, tech media, Salesforce marketing and company testimonials have made it clear that Chatter offers value. This week, many Dreamforce attendees hope they’ll come to understand it.

Lucky for them, the conference’s sessions will offer no shortage of wisdom on best practices for using Chatter and case studies for what it’s enabled. But what about those whose team has never even logged on to the platform? Is it practical that they’ll be able to simply return home and start putting these best practices to use? We’d say it’s best to at least get a sales team familiar with Chatter, before telling them how they should use it.

And we have four suggestions on how that can be done. We share them in our latest eBook: “Sales Team, Meet Chatter – 4 Routes to Adoption.”

Give it a quick read, and then when you return from Dreamforce, you’ll know where to start. You can lay the foundation for Chatter adoption using the 4 options the eBook shares, and then implement the new wisdom you learned in San Francisco from there, to start really integrating the platform into your work environment . After that, you’ll stand among the ones who can speak to Chatter’s value.

Download the free eBook here. 

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