Gamification and Sales: Is It Working?

Logo-SalesForce.comWe all know that gamification is a hot word right now, but is it actually working? Many VPs of Sales are trying to figure that out — and LevelEleven surveyed a sampling of about 100 companies using gamification to help them do that. Bob Marsh shares the results in “Gamification and Sales: Is It Working?” on the Salesforce blog. Check out this excerpt:

Most VPs of Sales get excited when they think about the idea of gamification within their organization. Salespeople are a highly competitive bunch, and the ability to tap into that competitive element is very natural. Plus, when you can use these new software tools to make an existing investment in a CRM system more engaging for sales reps, it’s a pretty compelling story. 

But are you ready to spend money on this novel concept? That’s where some folks hesitate a bit. So instead of us trying to explain the rationale, we reached out and surveyed a sampling of about 100 companies using gamification today, made up of directors and VPs of sales, as well as sales operations people ranging from small businesses to large enterprises, to get some insight. 

Here’s what we found.

Click here to read the rest of the story. 

If you’re interested in the topic, you can also watch the 15-minute video recap from our last webinar:

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